SFB 837 - Membership in the IFC-Tunnel project of the buildingSmart International (bSI) community


The "Industry Foundation Classes" (IFC) are a neutral and software-independent data exchange format for the exchange of models in the context of Building Information Modeling (BIM), which was developed by buildingSmart International (bSI) and accepted as ISO 16739-1:2018. Based on this, several extensions are under development to cover other domains, such as infrastructures. One of these projects "IFC-Tunnel" was initiated by bSI to develop support for digital tunnel models. SFB837 participates in this project both with financial support and through active collaboration in the form of an interdisciplinary team contributing competencies in tunneling, data management, numerical simulation and geostatistics.

The "Industry Foundation Classes" (IFC) are a neutral and software-independent data exchange format for the exchange of models in the context of Building Information Modeling (BIM), which was developed by buildingSmart International (bSI) and accepted as ISO 16739-1:2018. Based on this, several extensions are under development to cover other domains, such as infrastructures. One of these projects "IFC-Tunnel" was initiated by bSI to develop support for digital tunnel models. SFB837 participates in this project both with financial support and through active collaboration in the form of an interdisciplinary team contributing competencies in tunneling, data management, numerical simulation and geostatistics.