Voluntary Scientific Year: Application by July 1, 2022


Freiwilliges wissenschaftliches Jahr Sophia

The initiative "Voluntary Scientific Year" is a one-year educational program offered by the engineering faculties - comparable to the Federal Volunteer Service - in which selected high school graduates and prospective students can acquire exclusive impressions of university studies and research projects.

The FWJs can spend an entire year working on the research projects of the chairs and attend university events such as seminars and lectures. The voluntary academic year begins on October 1, 2022, and is remunerated with 400 euros per month.

Applications must be emailed to by July 01, 2022.

Freiwilliges wissenschaftliches Jahr Sophia

The initiative "Voluntary Scientific Year" is a one-year educational program offered by the engineering faculties - comparable to the Federal Volunteer Service - in which selected high school graduates and prospective students can acquire exclusive impressions of university studies and research projects.

The FWJs can spend an entire year working on the research projects of the chairs and attend university events such as seminars and lectures. The voluntary academic year begins on October 1, 2022, and is remunerated with 400 euros per month.

Applications must be emailed to by July 01, 2022.

  • Further information about application documents, field reports, etc. can be found here on the website of the RUB institution "Junge Uni".
  • All chairs of the Faculty B+U that offer a FWJ are presented here.

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