Annual Academic Celebration

Alumni of the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering are cordially invited to the Annual Academic Celebration! In addition to saying goodbye to the graduates of the faculty, the big party offers a great opportunity to celebrate with you, refresh contacts or make new ones. After the ceremony you can enjoy the evening in a pleasant atmosphere. More impressions you can find here.

Throwback: Academic Year Celebration 2022

On Friday, 25 November 2022, the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering invited to the annual Academic Year Celebration, which this year again took place in the presence of the Audimax. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Markus Knobloch, Dean of the Faculty, and Lisa Freiin von Rössing, Master's student in Computational Engineering, led the ceremony. After the ceremony, the guests met at a reception with DJ entertainment in the coffee bar of the RUB and thus ended the evening in a convivial atmosphere. Here you can find the detailed review.

Throwback: The Academic Year Celebration 2021 in one minute

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Throwback: Awarding of the donor prizes 2021

Due to the pandemic, this year's award ceremony for the best theses at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Ruhr-Uni Bochum, took place digitally. The video shows the most important program points in fast motion.

Hinweis: Beim Klick auf den Play-Button wird eine Verbindung mit einer RUB-externen Website hergestellt, die eventuell weniger strengen Daten­schutz­richt­linien unterliegt und gegebenenfalls personen­bezogene Daten erhebt. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in unserer Daten­schutz­erklärung.

Throwback: Annual Academic Celebration 2019

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