Get-together for International Women's Day



On the occasion of this year's International Women's Day on 08.03.2023, the Student Councils Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering and Computational Engineering invited all interested parties to a get-together, the focus of which was the informal exchange about gender-relevant issues.

In a cosy atmosphere, the Decentralised Equal Opportunities Officer of the academic staff, Dr.-Ing. Britta Schößer, gave insights into equal opportunities activities at the faculty and current projects such as the mentoring programme BreakING.

Recently, a new office was introduced at the faculty with the so-called "Diversity Officer", the work of whom focuses on promoting diversity among faculty members with regard to individual cultural, biographical and academic backgrounds. The position is held by the Dean's Office Executive Director, Dr. Nora Čavara.

Further information on the various counselling services can be found in the Equal Opportunities section.


On the occasion of this year's International Women's Day on 08.03.2023, the Student Councils Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering and Computational Engineering invited all interested parties to a get-together, the focus of which was the informal exchange about gender-relevant issues.

In a cosy atmosphere, the Decentralised Equal Opportunities Officer of the academic staff, Dr.-Ing. Britta Schößer, gave insights into equal opportunities activities at the faculty and current projects such as the mentoring programme BreakING.

Recently, a new office was introduced at the faculty with the so-called "Diversity Officer", the work of whom focuses on promoting diversity among faculty members with regard to individual cultural, biographical and academic backgrounds. The position is held by the Dean's Office Executive Director, Dr. Nora Čavara.

Further information on the various counselling services can be found in the Equal Opportunities section.