News archive 2024

December 2024

11.12.2024: “Women in STEM” award for UI student

On December 9, 2024, the Zonta Club Bochum awarded the “Women in STEM” prize for the first time. First place went to Franziska Günther, a Master's student on the Environmental Engineering course.

November 2024

27.11.2024: Academic Year Celebration - Registration is open!

This year's Academic Year Celebration will take place on 17.01.2025 in the RUB Event Center. The invitations have already been sent out - registration via the link provided is absolutely necessary! We are already looking forward to a wonderful, atmospheric celebration with you.

25.11.2024: New SFB 1683 approved at the Faculty: Methods of Interaction for the Modular Reuse of Existing Load-bearing Structures

Preparations were in full swing, then there was a brief period of trepidation, but now it's official: the DFG has approved funding for a new joint research project that uses the expertise of different disciplines at the faculty to develop resource-efficient solutions for the future of construction. The core idea is to reuse concrete parts from old buildings as modules for the construction of new ones.

20.11.2024: Prof. Martina Flörke is one of the most cited researchers in the world

Six researchers from Ruhr-Universität Bochum have been identified as the most frequently cited researchers worldwide - including Prof. Martina Flörke, Head of the Chair of Engineering Hydrology and Water Resources Management, for the second time in a row. This is according to the current list of “Highly Cited Researchers 2024” from November 19, 2024.

07.11.2024: Digital University Days

On November 28, 2024 at 3 pm, our Bachelor's degree programs “Civil Engineering” and “Environmental Engineering” will present themselves at the free online event “Digital University Days” at Ruhr-Universität Bochum.

October 2024

29.10.2024: Student survey: Take part and win!

Over the next few months, students will once again have the opportunity to rate their study conditions as part of the student survey for the CHE University Ranking. The results in the engineering subjects will be updated for the CHE Ranking 2025/26. All RUB students who take part in the survey have the chance to win iPads and gift vouchers.

29.10.2024: Mourning the death of Prof. Radenberg

The Faculty mourns the loss of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Radenberg, holder of the Chair of Highway and Road Engineering, who died last week at the age of 61 after a serious illness. Prof. Radenberg was a highly esteemed colleague who was dedicated in many ways.

24.10.2024: New Sino-D-A-CH center for smart, civil infrastructures

Ruhr-Universität and Tongji University have been working together for more than 40 years. Vice Rector Prof. Dr. techn. Günther Meschke recently attended the inauguration of the new Sino-D-A-CH Center for Smart Civil Infrastructure in Shanghai.

17.10.2024: Climate-friendly asphalt with foamed bitumen

Georg Bus, a doctoral student at the Chair of Road Construction, and his team have developed a method of producing asphalt at lower temperatures using foamed bitumen. In tests and on two rural roads in Germany, the warm mix asphalt showed comparable performance to conventional hot mix asphalt.

16.10.2024: BreakING: Kick-Off 2024

The mentoring program for female Master's students at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering BreakING entered its third round with a successful kick-off event on 10 October 2024.

15.10.2024: Optimizing geotechnical structures with AI

Researchers in Bochum want to use artificial intelligence to efficiently and precisely simulate the behavior of soils for energy transition structures, such as the foundations of offshore wind turbines. The junior research group “GINN” was set up at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering under the leadership of Dr.-Ing. Merita Tafili.

08.10.2024: That was "Türen auf mit der Maus 2024"

As part of the “Türen auf mit der Maus 2024" (WDR) campaign day on October 3, 2024, 100 little mouse fans visited the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and were given child-friendly insights into everyday engineering with lots of exciting opportunities to ask questions, try things out and do it themselves.

September 2024

26.09.2024: Women's Assembly of the Faculty

All female professors, employees and students are cordially invited to the Women's General Assembly of the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering on Wednesday, October 9, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. via Zoom.

10.09.2024: 30 years IKT - Institute for Underground Infrastructure

The IKT - Institute for Underground Infrastructure is celebrating its 30th anniversary. To mark the occasion, the IKT organizes the “Agenda Urban Drainage 2035” congress at Gelsenkirchen Town Hall from 10 to 11 September 2024.

03.09.2024: "Türen auf mit der Maus 2024"

The time has come - for "Türen auf mit der Maus 2024"! On October 3, 2024, the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering invites little fans of the television program "Sendung mit der Maus" to a diverse and entertaining program all about civil and environmental engineering.

August 2024

30.08.2024: Welcome, dear new students!

Welcome to the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering! Here we have compiled the most important information for your start of studies and your first days at RUB - from information on the preliminary course for prospective engineers to the program of the student councils for the upcoming Fresher's Week to important RUB online tools and contact persons.

29.08.2024: Register now: Tandem.MINT

The language tandem program Tandem.MINT enables students of scientific and technical courses to learn languages individually and subject-related: In exchange with tandem partners who speak the target language as their mother tongue or at a high level, foreign language skills can be expanded and intercultural communication skills can be tested.

27.08.2024: Water research on course for excellence

The University Alliance Ruhr submitted a total of four full proposals for Clusters of Excellence to the DFG on August 22, 2024. These include the proposal for the research project “REASONS - river ecosystems in the anthropocene, sustainable scientific solutions”, in which Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martina Flörke is involved with the Chair of Engineering Hydrology and Water Management.

22.08.2024: Festive colloquium on the occasion of the 100th birthday of Prof. Dr. Karlheinz Roik

In memory of Prof. Dr. Karlheinz Roik and on the occasion of his 100th birthday, the Chair of Steel, Lightweight and Composite Construction is organizing a festive colloquium on September 6, 2024 in the event center of the Ruhr University Bochum.

08.08.2024: Mourning for Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dietrich Stein

The Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering mourns the loss of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dietrich Stein (1938 - 2024). From 1979 until his retirement in 2003, he taught and researched at the Ruhr University in the fields of construction process engineering, pipeline construction and pipeline maintenance. He not only laid the foundation for today's Chair of Tunnelling and Construction Management at the Faculty, but also achieved international recognition with his high level of commitment and outstanding achievements.

05.08.2024: Olympic bronze for Pia Greiten

The German women's rowing double four wins the bronze medal at the Olympic Games. Pia Greiten, coxswain of the quadruple sculls and 'Civil Engineering' student at RUB, fulfills a big dream.

July 2024

25.07.2024: NRW Chamber of Civil Engineers visits the faculty

On 19 July 2024, Laura Hendriks and Dr. Bastian Peiffer from the Chamber of Civil Engineers NRW met with representatives of the civil engineering student council to discuss the needs of prospective engineers. The event was initiated by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rüdiger Höffer.

04.07.2024: BreakING: Closing Event

The second round of the "BreakING" mentoring program came to an end on 1 July 2024. This time, the mentees took the lead and organized a closing event including a homemade buffet and program.

03.07.2024: Concrete Canoe Regatta 2024

In a project seminar held by the Chair of Construction Materials, students from the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering designed and built their own concrete canoes, which they used to take part in this year's concrete canoe regatta in Brandenburg.

02.07.2024: Using Synergy Potentials: New Leadership at the Chair of Building Materials Technology

Prof. Iurie Curosu became aware of the vacancy for a professorship at the Ruhr University Bochum thanks to a tip from a friend. Since April, the scientist from the Republic of Moldova, who completed his doctorate at TU Dresden, has held the Chair of Building Materials Technology. In this interview, he explains what motivates him personally and what he would like to focus on at the chair.

June 2024

26.06.2024: Election results: Student elections to the Faculty Council and the Senate

The online elections for the new term of office (October 1, 2024 - September 30, 2025) of the student group took place from June 17 to 19, 2024. You can find the election results here.

26.06.2024: Project Office Annual Report 2023

The Civil and Environmental Engineering Project Office (PBU) offers students of the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering a comprehensive range of support services. All of last year's PBU activities were published in an annual report and can now be viewed.

25.06.2024: A Breath of Fresh Air at the Chair of Mechanics of Materials: Interview with Prof. Johanna Waimann

Something is happening at the Faculty: several new professorships were filled this spring - a small generational change that is taking place more or less silently.

Reason enough to take a closer look at who will be at the helm of one or the other chair in the future, what new directions can be expected in terms of content and who the people behind the title are. We start with Prof. Johanna Waimann, who has held the Chair of Mechanics - Materials Theory since March and as such succeeds Prof. Klaus Hackl.

21.06.2024: Construction catalog for timber extensions

In the joint project “Timber in the addition of storeys - evaluation and implementation of timber in additions”, the Ruhr University Bochum and the Technical University of Braunschweig, together with other project partners, have drawn up a construction catalog with relevant structural and design requirements for additions in timber.

17.06.2024: Linked Data in Architecture and Construction (LDAC) Workshop and Summer School at RUB Makerspace

Organized by the Chair of Computing in Engineering, the event "Linked Data in Architecture and Construction" (LDAC) took place last week in the RUB Makerspace as a combined format of workshop and summer school.

12.06.2024: Honorary Professorship Awarded to Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerhard Wehrmeyer, Herrenknecht AG

For his achievements in teaching as well as his professional and scientific merits, the Ruhr University Bochum awarded Mr. Gerhard Wehrmeyer the title of Honorary Professor yesterday, 12th June 2024.

11.06.2024: Symposium on Vortex-Induced Vibrations on Wind Turbine Support Structure (VIV) on June 6th - 7th, 2024

Between 6th and 7th June 2024 the Symposium on Vortex-Induced Vibrations on Wind Turbine Support Structure (VIV) took place at the Mining Museum in Bochum.

07.06.2024: Project Office celebrates 25th anniversary

The Project Office Building and Environment celebrated its 25th anniversary in a relaxed atmosphere on Wednesday, June 5, 2024. Employees and students took the opportunity to explore the space, which looks a little inconspicuous when you walk past it, and enjoyed a short break from work over waffles and drinks.

07.06.2024: New issue of 'Rubin': On the move

As part of the series “In Motion”, which appeared in the current issue of the RUB science magazine 'Rubin', Dr.-Ing. Cornelia Kalender and Dr.-Ing. Nina Nytus provide insights into wind engineering and sustainable approaches in road construction.

05.06.2024: Online survey: Cycling routes at junctions

Intersections are not always clear and easy to navigate for cyclists, especially when many other road users are involved. Researchers from the Chair of Transportation - Planning and Management want to find out what kind of cycling guidance works at intersections and invite everyone to take part in a five-minute online survey.

04.06.2024: BIM research project receives funding of €400,000

Yesterday, on 3rd June 2024, the funding decision for a digitization project coordinated by the Chair of Computing in Engineering was handed over. It was presented by Minister Ina Scharrenbach in the presence of Bochum's Lord Mayor Thomas Eiskirch and representatives of the municipalities, companies and researchers involved in the project.

04.06.2024: Student elections to the Faculty Council and Senate

From June 17 to 19, 2024, RUB students will be voting for their representatives in the respective faculty councils and the RUB Senate. The election will take place online. Here you can find the election announcement and the nominations.

03.06.2024: Study orientation, flea market and live music

On June 13, 2024, three events will take place in parallel at RUB: Long Evening of Student Advice, Sustainability Flea Market and Campus Chill-Out with live music on the G-Wiese. Interested parties are cordially invited.

May 2024

27.05.2024: 25 years of the Building and Environment project office

On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Building and Environment project office (PBU), the PBU team cordially invites you to a 'Meet & Greet' on 05.06.2024 between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. at the PBU premises (IC 03-648/626).

21.05.2024: BreakING: Mentoring program enters its third round

Just in time for Diversity Day, the mentoring program for female Master's students at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering “Breaking the Glass Ceiling - early installation of professional networks for female engineers” is entering its third round. Interested parties can apply until June 30, 2024.

13.05.2024: New member of the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences, Humanities and the Arts

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Mark, Head of the Chair of Concrete and Masonry Structures, was formally inducted into the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences, Humanities and the Arts on 8 May 2024.

06.05.2024: 25 years at the faculty

We congratulate Dr. Hussein Alawieh on his 25th anniversary at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Today he is Academic Director of the Structural Testing Laboratory (KIB-KON). We would like to thank him for his many years of commitment!

02.05.2024: Building for the future: Girls' Day 2024

From bridge building and dam breaches to a personal memento, a mini concrete auditorium - on 25 April 2024, interested schoolgirls got to know the diverse fields of work of civil and environmental engineers as part of this year's Girls' Day.

02.05.2024: Register now: CrossING 2024

From tips on the application process to experience reports from company founders and exciting lectures by engineers on starting a career - the CrossING event on 25/26 September 2024 offers students from the three engineering faculties comprehensive preparation for the start of their careers. The registration phase is open.

April 2024

25.04.2024: Impulse from practice: Dr. Stephanie Wohlgemuth gives lecture at BreakING Chimney Talk

As part of the BreakING mentoring program, the second fireside evening of this year took place on Thursday, 25.04.2024. The speaker was Dr. Stephanie Wohlgemuth, Director Commercial Operations at Elementis, Amsterdam.

23.04.2024: Digital University Days

On 26 June 2024 at 3 pm, our Bachelor's degree programmes in Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering will present themselves at the free online event "Digital University Days" at Ruhr-Universität Bochum.

12.04.2024: Accompanying protection

Anyone who feels unsafe or uncomfortable on their way to the campus buildings, car park, bicycle or bus stop at RUB can be accompanied by the security service. Escorts can be requested around the clock every day.

02.04.2024: General Assembly of the Civil Engineering Student Council

On Monday, 15 April 2024, the Civil Engineering Student Council invites you to its next plenary meeting. The event will take place at 16:30 in the Comm Room IC 03/173. Interested parties are cordially invited.

March 2024

26.03.2024: Outstanding young talents

Firdes Celik and Patrick Herbers, employees of the Chair of Computing in Engineering, and Master's graduate Maximilian Lucht are among this year's winners of the nationwide competition "Built on IT - Construction Professions with a Future".

25.03.2024: New co-operation with Tongji University

On 20 March 2024, Ruhr-Universität Bochum welcomed a delegation from Tongji University to extend existing cooperation agreements and conclude a new agreement in the field of civil engineering. In addition, Prof. Dr Günther Meschke was awarded the title of "Advisory Professor" by Tongji University.

11.03.2024: Apply Now: Voluntary Scientific Year

The Voluntary Scientific Year is a one-year educational program - comparable to the Federal Voluntary Service - for selected high school graduates. It provides an insight into current research projects in the engineering and economics faculties as well as the opportunity to take part in university programs. The application deadline is April 30, 2024.

05.03.2024: Orientation event for Master's students

On 28 March 2024 from 3 p.m., the information event "Career paths after the Master's" will take place, which is aimed at Master's students of engineering sciences. In addition to RUB counselling services, representatives from science and practice will be on site. The event is organised by the PR cooperative AllesING!.

04.03.2024: Water Science Alliance: New offer for young researchers

Under the newly elected leadership of Prof. Martina Flörke from the Chair of Engineering Hydrology and Water Resources Management (RUB) and Prof. Florian Leese (University of Duisburg-Essen), the German Water Research Alliance is developing a career navigator for young scientists in water research.

February 2024

27.02.2024: Laborpraktikum im Bentonitlabor

At the end of the lecture period, students on the Civil Engineering and Subsurface Engineering degree programmes took part in the laboratory practical course on the use of concreteite suspensions in horizontal directional drilling (HDD) in the bentonite laboratory of the Chair of Tunneling and Construction Management with active support from the field.

19.02.2024: Register now: Tandem.MINT

The tandem language learning program Tandem.MINT offers students of all STEM disciplines an individualized and specialized approach to expand their foreign language skills. Working together with a tandem partner from a similar field of study, they can advance their language proficiency and improve their skills in intercultural communication.

16.02.2024: Girls' Day 2024: Registration has started

On 25 April 2024, the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering invites interested schoolgirls to take part in an exciting hands-on programme about the construction of the future as part of this year's Girls' Day.

05.02.2024: BreakING: Chimney Talk with Dr. techn. Petra Drucker

On 25 January 2024, mentees, mentors and other guests met for the BreakING fireside evening in the bentonite laboratory of the Chair of Tunnelling, Pipeline Construction and Construction Management, during which geotechnical engineer Dr Petra Drucker (CDM Smith, Munich) offered personal insights into her successful career path.

January 2024

29.01.2024: Review: Academic Annual Celebration 2023

On 19 January 2024, the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering hosted its annual Academic Anniversary Celebration at the RUB Event Centre. The event was presented by Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Marc Wichern, Dean of the Faculty, and Maren Störmann, a student on the Environmental Engineering programme.

17.01.2024: Prof. Annette Hafner in an interview with WDR 5

The Cradle", the first office building in timber hybrid construction in Düsseldorf, is being built in Düsseldorf's Media Harbour. In the business magazine programme on radio station WDR 5, Prof. Annette Hafner talks about building with wood, prejudices and, in particular, its opportunities in terms of climate protection.

08.01.2024: Study Orientation Weeks

From 13 January 2024 to 9 February 2024, the "Weeks of Study Orientation", an offer from universities and employment agencies in NRW, will take place. As part of AllesING!, the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering is participating in the RUB programme.

02.01.2024: UI Plenary Meeting 2024

On 18 January 2024, the Environmental Engineering Student Council will hold its annual plenary meeting at 5 pm. The main item on the agenda is the election of the new student council. Anyone interested in joining the student council and gaining a deeper insight into the university structures is cordially invited to attend. The event will take place in the common room IC 03/173. Catering will be provided.